Home News Phones It’s a Prada phone, dahhhling

It’s a Prada phone, dahhhling


LG KE850 handsetFashion conscious gadget fiends should prepare to fight their way through the army of brand zombies if they want to get their hands on a designer phone. Following in the footsteps of Dolce & Gabbana’s hook up with Motorola, Gianni Versace's flirtation with Samsung and Roberto Cavalli's link up with 3 comes LG’s Prada handset.

Unlike the recent D&G version of Motorola’s RAZR, the phone is expected to be a wholly new model stamped with the Prada brand.

The phone will likely have a Prada badge on the front, with only a small LG logo showing on the rear.

Underneath the fashion styling churns the soon-to-be-released LG KE850 – the model originally rumoured to be the basis for Apple’s iPhone.

And while it might not be the legendary Apple moby, the KE850 will feature a touch screen interface and a Prada-branded display.

The screen will function like a smartphone interface and will change to display buttons for the application currently being used.

The phone will be slipping into its Prada designer leather case in late March or early April, at least in a handful of European countries (and by handful we mean five, although no destinations have yet been named).

While there’s no price tag on the branded beauty yet, word is it’ll be cheaper than the Dolce & Gabbana tagged Motorola Razr.

Sadly there are no pics for fashionistas to drool over yet, as Prada seems to have stamped down on any websites showing off the sexy new model.