Home Reviews Tablets Choiix Easy Fit EeePC Sleeve review

Choiix Easy Fit EeePC Sleeve review

choiix easy fit eeepc sleeve c
choiix easy fit eeepc sleeve c

Choiix Easy Fit EeePC Sleeve If you’re like me and you carry your Asus EeePC everywhere, your neoprene carry case is probably looking a little on the shabby side, after being dropped one too many times whilst attempting to urinate with it clamped between your arm and chest – the EeePC that is.

The Choiix Easy Fit EeePC Sleeve is designed for the 7-inch EeePC and claims to "transform your EeePC into a fashion statement". I’m glad that it clears this up, because as a protective case it’s truly awful. Choiix is a new brand that is a division of Cooler Master and will be hitting the UK market very soon.

Made out of a Chammy material and available in several colours, there is no denying it has a fairly appealing look, if a little teenage. However, the use of bright colours (green, blue, pink) makes it limited in the outfits that it will match with. The option of a straight black or grey would have made sure it suited every occasion.

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The sleeve itself attaches to the EeePC by the use of straps on every corner of the device. Tip the screen back too far and these quickly fall off. This may well be intentional, as on the rear panel you’ll find space for a single SD card and a pocket that will fit a credit card, or a small number of business cards.

The two straps positioned on the base, are exactly where I tend to rest my palms for typing and that makes them rather irritating. Worse though, is the magnetic clasp that stays in an angled clasped position once the case is open, so you find yourself pushing it out of the way with your wrist every time you go to type or use the track pad.

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Cut outs have been made for the audio connectors and SD slot, while the rear corner of the device is left completely bare for access to power, as are the sides for the rest of the connectors. As far as protection is concerned, this offers very little in that department and I feel the EeePC would have just as much chance of surviving it was bare.

This is not a case, it is a sleeve that is meant to make your EeePC look more stylish. If you like the look it gives, then by all means go for it, but you’ll be sacrificing a lot of practicality for vanity (although, if that’s not the core beliefs of anyone in the fashion world, I don’t know what is!).






