Home News Games Sony starts catfight with Nintendo over DSi console

Sony starts catfight with Nintendo over DSi console

nintendo dsi white
nintendo dsi white

nintendo_dsi_white.jpgSaucer of milk for table 12 as Sony man lambasts Nintendo’s latest console.

Unsurprisingly, if anyone is going to make a comment about Nintendo’s latest console, the DSi, it will be a rival handheld console manufacturer. So step up to the plate Sony director of hardware John Koller.

Speaking to Gizmodo,
Koller said that while the console would be as popular as the DS Lite,
Nintendo would have a hard time breaking out of its so-called young

"The DS lite was obviously very successful. Will DSi do well with [the
DS’s] demographic? It probably will. Will it be a product that expands
their user base [beyond] under 12? I’m not sure," he said.

Although, Koller hasn’t been on the trains and planes we’ve been riding of late. There seems to be a stack of people playing the DS and are definitely not under twelve.

The DSi is going head-to-head with Sony’s newly redesigned PSP 3000 in Japan, followed by the rest of us some time in the future. It will go on sale in Japan from November 1.

In the UK, the DS has sold 7.1 million units, compared to the PSPs 2.9 million units.