Home News Phones Blackberry storms Times Square

Blackberry storms Times Square

blackberry storm verizon times sq 3
blackberry storm verizon times sq 3

Verizon blackberry storm times squareThe Blackberry Storm is getting a lot of facetime on American TV, where adverts for the first touchscreen RIM device are bigging up the handset that’s available exclusively on Verizon. And the Storm has also been putting in a few public appearances, too.

Crowds at Times Square queued for their chance to enter a Crystal Maze-style grab to collect the lucky tickets.

Grab seven of the tickets out of the air in the wind-tunnel booth with the Storm on it and a handset was yours on launch – making you one of the first in the country to own it.

Your travelling AG duo witnessed one girl exit the booth with handfuls of tickets, seven of which were the ones she needed to nab her the phone.

And with queues stretching to and around the booth, she was no doubt not the only lucky one that day.


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