Home News PCs Major Apple sale on Friday?

Major Apple sale on Friday?

apple black friday
apple black friday

It appears
that this Friday will be the day for picking up an iPod for
Christmas, as Apple seem to be importing the American custom of
"Black Friday".

Friday is something of a longstanding tradition in the U.S. The
Friday after Thanksgiving, it is marked by retailers offering huge
discounts and deals to get turkey-stuffed shoppers off the sofa and
the Christmas money flowing in.

And now it
seems Apple want to let Brits in on the mad dash for bargains, with
the European office releasing a teaser declaring, "Lots of
gifts. One day not to miss." If the teaser is accurate, the
discounts seem to apply to pretty much all of Apple’s range.

Shame they
couldn’t have held it off until the VAT cut on Monday, really…
