Home News Games Microsoft predicts PS3 price cut

Microsoft predicts PS3 price cut

ps3 small
ps3 small

ps3_small.jpgEveryone wants Sony to cut the price of its reassuringly expensive PS3
games console and now Microsoft has joined the chorus, urging its rival
to slash its prices.

Talking to Edge magazine, Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg said that he expected the PS3 to have a price cut "within months".

"We absolutely expect the PS3 price drop to happen in the next couple
of months," said Greenberg. "We’re frankly surprised it’s taken this
long. I would expect they’d have to move on price, sooner than later,
for sure."

Greenberg also trumpeted Microsoft’s strong showing over the Christmas
period racking up a lifetime total of 28 million consoles sold to date
with 10.3 million units being sold in 2008.

However, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president David Reeves has
previously said that a price cut was not forthcoming and ruled out any
such reduction this spring.

Link:Edge Online

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