Home News Miscellany Stephen Fry breaks the 100,000 twitter follower barrier

Stephen Fry breaks the 100,000 twitter follower barrier

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source enthusiast, Mac lover and sometimes intellectual quiz host
Stephen Fry has managed to amass himself around 100,000 followers on
micro-blogging service Twitter.

"@amellioh Hi there Hayley! You
are my 100,000th follower! And I’m proud to be your first. Welcome to
Twitter xxx," said Fry on finding out the good news earlier this

The service has gained rapid popularity over the last two weeks in the UK, doubling its members during that time.

is only 20,000 followers away from being more popular than CNN’s
breaking news service and will need to more than double his number of
followers before beating US precident Barack Obama.

popularity and that of Twitter’s was boosted after the actor appeared
on Jonathan Ross’s comeback show on the BBC last week. Several dozen
other celebrities have also joined the popular website.

You can keep up to date with the latest gadget and games news on Twitter by following us at http://twitter.com/absolutegadget.

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