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h20 water powered clock
h20 water powered clock

H20 water-powered alarm clockJust add water. We hear this ultimate lazy phrase in relation to a whole host of products. But what if those instructions could produce an endless source of clean energy? Well, with the H2O multi-function clock they can…


The water-powered alarm clock is the latest in ecological and environmental design, using patented technology.

It works using an electrochemical reaction between the electrodes and water to produce electrical energy.

To maintain a constant supply of energy simply refill as the water evaporates, typically after more than three months of power.

And in keeping with its green theme, all its components are recyclable.

But remember, it’s also an alarm clock – simply rotate the design through 90 degrees to see each function such as time, alarm, timer and temperature.

* Dimensions: Height: 9.5cm Width: 9.5cm Depth: 5.0cm
* Weight: 0.2Kg
* Price: £19.99 from Gadgetshop.com.

