Home News Games Nintendo flogs 100m DS systems

Nintendo flogs 100m DS systems

nintendo dsi white
nintendo dsi white

Nintendo DSi whiteNintendo went from gaming king to whipping boy during our early lifetime. And while we still liked those plumbing fellas and the spiky-attitude hedgehog, we never seriously thought it would rise again to challenge Sony or Microsoft. Since then we’ve had the Wii, which is, you know, pretty popular. And the company’s handheld thingamajig isn’t doing too badly either

“Somewhere – perhaps in Paris, maybe in Chicago, possibly in Tokyo – the 100 millionth system in the Nintendo DS franchise has been shipped to a retailer or distributor as of March 6th 2009,” a Nintendo spokewoman told us.

“The combined total sales of 100 million Nintendo DS systems, Nintendo DS Lite systems and Nintendo DSi systems represent a significant milestone in the life of this franchise, which is still going strong.”

Since the original Nintendo DS launched in early 2005 in Europe, it has made good use of its dual screens, touch screen and voice-recognition capabilities to “usher in an era of new experiences not previously possible on portable systems”.

The successor, Nintendo DS Lite, launched with a slimmer, trimmer look.
The third iteration of the Nintendo DS hardware, Nintendo DSi, launches in Europe on 3rd April.

The DSi includes two cameras and the ability to record, manipulate and play sound files, and Nintendo says it will allow consumers to personalise their own experiences.

DS smashes "most consoles sold in one month" record