Home News PCs Michael Jackson worm hits inboxes

Michael Jackson worm hits inboxes

michael jackson death spam
michael jackson death spam

michael_jackson_death_spam.jpgWe’re definitely not going to make a joke about Michael Jackson and worms! It still way too flippin’ early in the grieving process. But someone seems to think it’s funny to infect users PCs with malware and we’re not laughing…

The mass-mailing worm is currently spreading via a malicious email campaign, which has the subject line ‘Remembering Michael Jackson’.

The message claims to come from ‘sarah @ michaeljackson.com’ and offers an attached ZIP file – titled ‘Michael songs and pictures.zip’, which supposedly contains secret songs and photos of Michael Jackson.

However, by opening the attachment, computer users are exposed to an infection.  Once infected, a computer will begin automatically spreading the worm onto other internet users. 

Besides spreading via email, experts note that the malware is also capable of spreading as an Autorun component on USB memory sticks – an increasingly common trend for malware, as use of these devices is now so popular.

"In light of the huge interest in Jackson since his sudden death, there are likely to be many computer users who are tempted into opening the attachment," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos

"But sensible computer users should by now be well aware that cybercriminals will be quick to exploit news events to spread malware and spam.  Anyone who receives this email should delete it immediately to save themselves the embarrassment of infecting their email contacts."

Sophos detects the malware as Mal/ZipMal-B and Mal/VB-AD.

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