Home News Television Toshiba reveals Cell Regza 55X1 television

Toshiba reveals Cell Regza 55X1 television

toshiba cell regza
toshiba cell regza

Never one to cry into its beer after the Blu-ray/HD-DVD wars. Toshiba has picked itself up by unveiling its new Cell-processor-based 55-inch Regza television in Japan.

The new 55X1 television sports a contrast ratio of 5,000,000:1 and a brightness of 1250cmd2. The Cell chip, as seen in rival Sony’s PS3 games console, should allow “ultra-high-speed processing and recording, enhanced navigation and seamless network interactivity”.

Not only that, the Full HD 240Hz display can display HD YouTube videos, thanks to the Cell processor, which features processing power up to 143 times that of normal Regza TVs.

It also has a 3TB hard drive so it can time-shift eight channels simultaneously (as there are eight popular TV channels in Japan you can see why it chose that figure). It can record up to 26 hours of telly per channel giving viewers something to watch at last. It can also search of recorded content via keywords.

It is also future=proof, being able to show 4K pictures (about four times as good as Full HD.

The TV and PVR/tuner live in separate boxes and have a smoky aluminium finish that’s easy on the eye.

The cost will be 1 million Yen in Japan (£7,000) – so eye-watering you won’t be able to appreciate the pretty pictures.
