Home News Television Sky to launch online music service

Sky to launch online music service

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sky_logoIt does telly, it does intarwebs, it does phones, and now it does music. Sky is getting down with the cool kids by launching an online music service.

Sky Songs works as a mix of iTunes and Spotify. Its main service offers a subscription – £6.49 nets you either a £6.49 album or ten songs, and £7.99 gets you a £7.99 album or fifteen songs, and then you get unlimited streaming for a month on top of that. If you don’t fancy the subscriptions you can pay by-track or by-album for downloads that work on all MP3 players. The service’s database has four million songs on tap from all the major labels and plenty of independents too.

Sky’s Chief Operating Officer, Mike Darcey, said: “Our music partners bring an outstanding catalogue and unrivalled expertise that complements Sky’s strengths in content distribution.

Sky Songs will reach out to consumers who want legitimate digital services offering choice, ease of use and great value. Offering legal access to digital music is a vital step in combating illegal downloading.”

Sky Songs launches next Monday (the 19th). As a celebration, all Sky broadband users who hop onto the site will get a free downloadable album worth £6.49.