Home News Games Metro 2033 add-on out tomorrow

Metro 2033 add-on out tomorrow

metro 2033 gunfire
metro 2033 gunfire

metro_2033_gunfireThe Metro 2033 DLC pack, the Ranger Pack, will be available on Xbox Live Marketplace and Steam tomorrow. “The Ranger Pack adds new weapons, new achievements and the deadly ‘Ranger Mode’ game rules,” says an official statement.

In standard Ranger Mode, ammo is dramatically reduced and all weapons cause more damage. Your foes are deadlier than ever – but so are you!

‘Ranger Hardcore’ adds an additional challenge as the HUD is totally removed, creating the most immersive Metro 2033 experience yet.

Meanwhile, the two new weapons are the Heavy Automatic Shotgun, and the Volt Driver, Miller’s signature gun.

“New achievements and gamerscores are also up for grabs,” the statement continues.

The Metro 2033 Ranger pack will cost 240 MSP on Marketplace and will be free on Steam where it will be applied as an auto-update.
