Sony bloggie touch hits UK

    sony bloggie touch small
    sony bloggie touch small

    sony_bloggie_touch_smallSony launched its Bloggie Touch mobile camera in the UK today. The snap camera shoots Full HD 1,920 x 1,080 video and 360-degree videos, as well as taking 12.8-megapixel stills. A built-in USB connection offers easy upload.

    The new Bloggie Touch has a 3-inch touch-sensitive LCD screen that lets you operate the camera without buttons. And fewer buttons means a bigger screen, to see what you’re filming – or playing back – in greater detail than ever before.


    The “intuitive touch interface” lets you pause and playback movies; adjust camera settings; scroll though, select and delete files; choose the size and resolution of photos and movies; and operate the camera’s 4x digital zoom while filming.

    The Bloggie Touch is available in vibrant pink, silver and black finishes and costs £219.
