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Attenborough filming a doc for Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift   Developer Version   Front scaled
Oculus Rift Developer Version Front scaled

The latest documentary series from legendary presenter Sir David Attenborough will be of equal interest to tech-heads and nature lovers – it’ll be available for the virtual reality headset Oculus Rift.

Conquest of the Skies will take in the jungles of Borneo and other, undisclosed locations.  It’s currently being filmed for Sky 3D, but the team has got hold of Rift developer kits, allowing them to also release the series on the forthcoming headset tech.

“We’re now filming for the Oculus Rift,” Atlantic Productions’ John Morris said to realscreen, “so when we filmed our recent flight in Borneo, we filmed with an eight-camera rig, so you got the full 360° experience.”

It’s not the first time Sir David’s been at the forefront of new tech – he helped oversee the BBC’s switch to colour broadcasting, and more recently has been producing a series of documentaries designed for 3D.

Oculus Rift, recently bought by Facebook for $2bn, is due to launch for consumers between this year and next, but no word as yet as to when (or indeed how) Conquest of the Skies will be available for it.