Home News Eco Tech Sustainable rechargeable batteries make an appearance

Sustainable rechargeable batteries make an appearance

eneloop Lineup CG scaled
eneloop Lineup CG scaled

If you are looking for a rechargeable battery that’s more eco-friendly than normal batteries, Panasonic has a new line that promise to work at low temperatures and even recharge up to 2100 times.

These Eneloop batteries combine the performance and convenience of dry cells with the cost-efficiency and sustainability of rechargeable batteries.

The batteries can recharge up to 2,100 times making it one of the most reusable batteries in the industry, and greatly helping to reduce waste. The new product line-up will feature three different models: ‘eneloop standard’, ‘eneloop pro’, and ‘eneloop lite’.

Eneloop comes pre-charged with solar power using ‘Tradable Green Certificate’ system. It can be used immediately after purchase or long-term storage and offers similar levels of high comfort as a dry battery. While all batteries will naturally self-discharge (meaning that the amount of stored energy will gradually decrease over time), eneloop stays charged significantly longer. Following a full charge, an eneloop battery will retain approximately 70 per cent of its maximum energy level after five years of self-discharge, making them ideally suited for everyday use, and emergencies.

Unlike other batteries, eneloop delivers excellent performance at 0ºC and can even be used in temperatures as low as -20ºC which makes eneloop the perfect choice for outdoor activities. In addition, eneloop can safely be recharged after partial discharge without impacting memory effect.